Avg scanning and repairing drive stuck

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While you read about the software, you will also get to know How to repair hard drive with the listed freeware. Go through this list of best free software to repair hard drive to know more about them. Most of the software which provide this option are Paid, but I have managed to find out a list of free hard drive repair software which you can make use of. But, you can also find various advanced tools which you can use as bad sector repair software. If you are using Windows, Microsoft lets you take care of the issue with inbuilt tools, which are simple and straight forward to execute. Read more about Bad Sectors-how they are created. There is no way to repair physical damage however, you can fix logical bad sectors pretty easily with the help of a good Hard Disk repair tool. Physical bad sectors are caused due to physical wear tear, while Logical bad sectors may be caused due to interruption in read/write process or because of any virus. Bad Sectors are common on both magnetic and solid state hard drives. Bad sectors can be of two types: Physical bad sectors and Logical bad sectors. Here is a list of best free Hard Drive Repair Software which let you Repair Bad Sectors on your hard drive.