How to install custom stories amnesia

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What he discovers drags him into a centuries-old war between ancient alchemists and The Shadow. The Great Work follows Charles Longden, an archaeologist looking for his partner Jane, in the old abandoned castle of Minneburg. Penumbra: Necrologue Penumbra: Twilight of the Archaic The Great Work On October 31, 2015, they also released Penumbra: Twilight of the Archaic, a prequel to Penumbra: Necrologue. It also won the Mod DB: Mod of The Year 'Editors' Choice' 2014: 'Best Singleplayer' award.

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It was created by CounterCurrent games and features an all-new story, monsters, objects, and sounds. It is presented as a continuation of Frictional Games' other first-person survival horror game Penumbra series and starts off right where the last game in the series, Penumbra: Requiem ended.

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Penumbra: Necrologue is a total conversion mod for Amnesia: The Dark Descent, released on October 31, 2014.

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See also: List of custom stories for Amnesia: The Dark Descent Popular Custom Stories Penumbra: Necrologue